​​Dissemination Activities

  • Vocational training

    We are planning to organize regular workshops to upgrade the skill of scientists and research assistants in order to improve their understanding of the multidisciplinary dimension of the TRANSIMMUNOM project. A workshop on « Innovative technolog​​​ies for autoimmune/inflammatory disease studies » is being organized with national and international high profile speakers.

  • ​​​​Scientific seminars

    We have introduced the monthly clinical biology conference for juniors and senior scientists and clinicians in order to favor cross-fertilization within the consortium. These meetings are organized jointly with the hospital university department i2B.


At the core of the TRANSIMMUNOM project is a strong multidisciplinary experience gathering scientists and clinicians from a wide variety of expertise, including medicine, immunology, biotherapies, mathematics, statistics, and computer science. We believe this situation offers a unique opportunity to develop innovative education programmes based on this multidisciplinary knowledge and expertise. In addition, it appears necessary to prepare science and medical students to new jobs & carriers that will be created from the needs of translating systems biology to clinical practice. 

​Teaching Activities

  • ​​Master courses

    Several partners of TRANSIMMUNOM have created and are involved in a M.Sc. curriculum from Pierre and Marie Curie University. This includes the “Immunotherapies & BioEngineering” and the “Recherche en Immunothérapies Innovantes et Vaccination” courses which specifically focuses on challenges and issues of these new therapeutic approaches in the field of immunology.​

  • Doctoral training

    ​TRANSIMMUNOM laboratories are affiliated to several PhD programmes​ including:

    • "Complexité du vivant" (ED 515)
    • "Physiologie et Physiopathologie" (ED 394)
    • "​Biologie et Biotechnologie" (B2T)


    ​​In addition, we are currently creating training modules that will cover specific aspects of TRANSIMMUNOM and will benefit from the multidisciplinary expertise of TRANSIMMUNOM partners. This will offer a unique opportunity for PhD candidates to complete their training.